Craig briefs for Aug. 14
Pickup, semi collide west of Hayden
Craig — At about 11:45 p.m. Aug. 8, a silver 2005 Toyota Tacoma collided with a 2007 Kenworth Tractor pulling a trailer loaded with coal on U.S. Highway 40, four miles west of Hayden, according to a news release from the Colorado State Patrol.
The eastbound truck drifted into the westbound shoulder of the highway, colliding head-on with the tractor, causing both vehicles to roll over in separate directions.
Kenworth driver Randy Oxley was wearing his seatbelt at the time of the accident and did not suffer any injuries.
Toyota driver Carol Reyes-Flores, of Las Vegas, also remained uninjured because of her seatbelt. Her unrestrained passenger, Robert Haer, of Phoenix, was ejected from the truck’s front-door window during the crash, and he was taken to Yampa Valley Medical Center with serious skeletal and internal injuries.
The State Patrol does not suspect drugs or alcohol as contributing factors to the collision. Fatigued driving is considered to be the primary cause of the crash.
The following agencies assisted CSP with the investigation: Routt County Sheriff’s Office, Colorado Department of Transportation, Hayden Police Department and West Routt Fire and Ambulance.
VNA holding immunizations clinic
Northwest Colorado VNA, located at 745 Russell St., will hold a drop-in clinic for immunizations from 1 to 3 p.m. Tuesday for children in kindergarten through 12th grade.
Immunizations include TdAP, Varicella and Menactra. Parents must bring their child’s immunization records with them to the clinic and must be present for children younger than 18.
VNA charges a sliding scale of free to $14 a shot through age 18 and accepts Medicaid.
For more information, call 824-8233 or visit and click on “Are you up to date? VACCINATE!” to see what vaccinations your child needs.
Volunteers needed for Wild West Air Fest
Volunteers are needed Aug. 30 and 31 for the 2008 Wild West Air Fest, part of the Steamboat Springs Labor Day Weekend Celebration. All volunteers will receive a free plane ride and a complimentary T-shirt for their efforts.
Come enjoy classic cars, vintage planes and flight simulators. There will be something for everyone.
For information or to sign up, call Kristi at 875-7006 or stop by the Visitor Center at 125 Anglers Drive.
Join Daughters of the American Revolution
Anyone interested in becoming a member of a new chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution in the Craig area should contact Shannan Koucherik at 824-9518. Free assistance is available to help women 18 years and older trace family lines to their revolutionary patriots. The DAR is a national organization dedicated to patriotism and education.
New student registration scheduled
A registration session is scheduled for 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 3 p.m. Aug. 22 at Craig Intermediate School, 201 E. Ninth St., for fifth- through eighth-grade students who are new to Craig this fall. Students who were enrolled in Moffat County schools last year need not attend. For more information, call 824-3289.
Wyman seeks vendors for farmers market
The Wyman Museum is looking for vendors for as farmers market/swap meet to be held Aug. 23.
Anyone will be welcome at the event. Food will be served, along with children’s games and a grass maze.
For more information, call Teresa Stoffel at 824-7848.

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